Tamzin Murphy was nominated for the Head of Institute of Education, Excellence in Professional Practice and was presented this award at the BA(Hons) Early Childhood in Society Graduation in September 2023.

The award is in recognition of the important work that students undertake when on placement and the positive impact they can make. Research shows that a small number of students manage to integrate themselves so completely with practitioners, children and families that they become like a member of staff themselves. Tamzin did this by learning routines and proactively anticipating what needed to be done, without being over-bearing, a fine line to tread. Tamzin was invited to work in the specialist language unit on the same premises, an indication of how her professional attributes were recognised by her host placement setting. She made learning fun and actively joined in children’s play when invited, making her a very popular playmate.
Tamzin also demonstrated excellent professional maturity by initiating the formation of a committee of students called “Children Central”. The committee organised school packs for Ukrainian children in the UK to escape the war. Tamzin said: “I was having ideas about ways that I could help as many vulnerable children and families as much as I can. As part of our university degree, we talk a lot about collaborative working in order to make children’s lives better and we want to place children at the very centre of everything that we do. Since being part of the committee, it has truly become apparent to me how working collaboratively enables people to achieve amazing things.”
Course Leader, Niki Stobbs, said, “Tamzin consistently demonstrated concern for others as well as striving for high standards in her course work. She will be an asset to any organisation that she works for and I know I speak on behalf of all her lecturers and fellow students in wishing her all the very best for the future.”
If you are interested in the course, please visit: https://www.worcester.ac.uk/courses/early-childhood-in-society-graduate-practitioner-ba-hons or contact Course Leader Niki (n.stobbs@worc.ac.uk) to find out more.