Developing Content for Social Media Part 2: Resourcing and Equipment

Sarah Hutchins shares her experiences and tips on how to get started with your own social media content.  Resourcing and Equipment To begin with it is more than likely that you will be able to film content on devices that you already own. I filmed my content on my iPhone (other types of phones will… Continue reading Developing Content for Social Media Part 2: Resourcing and Equipment

Developing Content for Social Media

Our upcoming series of mini blogs will share some of Sarah Hutchins’ thoughts and experiences that she has learned along the way from creating her own unique and rather fun content for social media. With virtually no prior knowledge of technology, she managed to film and create content for a YouTube channel ‘Magical Mrs Hutchins’.… Continue reading Developing Content for Social Media

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Worcester Graduate Part of National Campaign to Boost Number of Childminders

Read about our FdA Early Years (0-8 years), flexible and distributed learning graduate, Lynne, and her story which is now being featured as part of a national campaign to boost the number of childminders: Lynne features as an Early Years Career ‘real story’ here: The FdA Early Years (0-8 years), Flexible and Distributed… Continue reading Worcester Graduate Part of National Campaign to Boost Number of Childminders

Meet the team!

Introducing our newest member of the Department for Children and Families at the University of Worcester, Sarah Hutchins. Singing in the change with Semester 2, 2024 in the Department for Children and Families! My first Semester as a new lecturer within the Department for Children and Families is drawing to a close and it is… Continue reading Meet the team!

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Children’s Play in Worcester

Research conducted with Play Worcester (Kate Collier), led by Nicola Stobbs and Samantha Sutton-Tsang was accepted by Government as part of the call for evidence for the inquiry into ‘The experiences of children and young people of their built environment’. Gathering the voices of children, the research looked into the following areas: Read the report… Continue reading Children’s Play in Worcester

Categorised as Research