Ge graduated from the BA(Hons) Integrated Working with Children and Families in September 2023, having taken a break from study before embarking on the Top Up degree at the University of Worcester. Here she reflects on her experience.

I was always under the impression that my time of learning had come to a stand-still after having my son five years ago. I reached a cross roads in my career and felt whilst I loved teaching as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant, after 18 years of being in the same school and career, I wanted to become more independent, find a buzz and better myself. It had been 10 years since I had studied for my Foundation Degree and I knew I wasn’t going to be the strongest with working at a higher level.
The headteacher’s support gave me courage to further my career and on looking into a degree I could enrol onto the BA(Hons) Integrated Working with Children and Families. This course particularly interested me, as I had previous experience working within social services and I have always been a key advocate in the school for children with additional needs, mental health and inclusive education.
I remember the first day of walking into the University and being extremely nervous of not knowing anyone and having a lack of knowledge of academic writing. I was instantly surprised how friendly everyone was and even though some students were continuing their learning from the previous year and had already made friendship groups, I did not feel left out and came to realise that we were all starting a new beginning.
I had chosen to complete the degree within the year and if I am honest, I hadn’t realised how much work it would take. I think being blind-sided by that and the lack of experience with academic writing I felt at times I was sinking. However, the course not only gave me insight into working with children and families it also taught me a lot about myself. After completing some independent writing and study skills courses offered through the Academic Writing team and Library services, my confidence grew with writing and so did my self-belief.
For my journey, I need to emphasis how the incredible support of the tutors and friends that I made on the course enabled me to get through the course. The late nights and hours at the library were worth every minute and I can truly say it has changed my outlook on what I can achieve as a person. At times it was tough to juggle all the balls, but every minute was worth it, and I would advocate anyone to take on further education and study.
The course has opened many doors for me and taught me so much more about the families and children I work with within my environment. With the understanding and knowledge I have gained, it has enabled me to make changes within the setting and share knowledge with others.
I can definitely say my proudest moment was completing and passing my dissertation. The feeling will stay with me forever and will encourage me to further my study later on.
I hope this inspires those who have been out of education and studying for a while and think that anything can be achievable if you just have self-belief.