We’re excited about our upcoming conference for @UWDCF staff and students. This conference welcomes our students studying the FdA Early Years (0-8 years) and BA(hons) Integrated Working with Children and Families as part of their courses. We also extend the invitation to attend to our BA(hons) ECIS students.
Conference date: Saturday 11th February 2023
Students will be receiving details of how to book on using an eventbrite invitation from your course leader.
This year’s conference will focus on ‘Healing and Hope’ within Early Years, Health, Education, Care and Social Work with focus on experiences in relation to repairing, rebuilding, recovery, and adaptation in response to various adversities faced by children, their families and those who work with and for them. Issues considered may include the impact of Government change, policy, curriculum developments, the cost-of-living crisis, the continued effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, global issues such as war and the challenge of climate change, as well as other topics that may support students’ studies and continuing professional development.
Looking forward to this exciting conference. I think the programme is available now and there is an Eventbrite ticket system