Graduate Stories: Shelley Hooper, IWCF

Shelley Hooper, BA(Hons) Integrated Working with Children and Families Top up degree graduate, shares her Higher Education journey at the University of Worcester. From Foundation degree to Top up degree…

“While the idea of attending university initially felt intimidating due to my academic performance in school, I have always been dedicated to my role running a nursery. The CEO of the Trust for the nursery at the time mentioned that I would need additional qualifications to advance to an Early Years Lead position and he had little faith that I could gain these qualifications. I chose to see this as a constructive suggestion to further my education and enhance my qualifications for future opportunities.  Being the wrong side of 40, a full-time working mum and wife, and being out of any form of education for well over 20 years, I knew if I did not do it now, I never would. I just needed to believe in myself and take the plunge.  And so I applied to study the FdA Early Years (0-8 years) Flexible and Distributed Learning course on a part time basis.

I did not know what to expect, and with it being completely out of my comfort zone, I made the 110-mile trip that very first day to the University of Worcester, and I can honestly say I never looked back. My lack of knowledge of academic writing was a sticking point for me, and at times I did feel that I could not do it. I have to say the support from all the tutors and the most amazing friends that I had met along the way, was just incredible. I also had two life changing family situations, that saw me fall slightly behind and my anxiety was through the roof, but again, they were there, and they supported me online, through email and at the face-to-face sessions. I came back stronger, and I was determined to complete what I set out to do.

Long hours spent in the library and late nights online studying and talking things through with my university friends, was all worth it. It was not easy and sometimes finding the time to study when I was desperately juggling balls of mum, wife, manager, and cheer coach it all just became too much, but realising that I just had to believe in myself, be kind to myself and take time for me, got me through.

I can honestly say I have had the best five years of my life being a student at the University of Worcester.  It has just been an amazing experience that I will never forget. I have met the most amazing and inspirational friends for life, and I would not change a thing. I am so proud of my achievements having finished with the BA (Hons) Integrated Working with Children and Families Top up degree, and who knows, I might just be the Trust’s next Early Years Lead.

I really hope this helps and inspires others to believe in themselves and take that plunge to do something for themselves. You can do it!”

If you would like to find out more about the FdA Early Years, visit:

If you would like to find out more about the BA(Hons) Integrated Working with Children and Families Top up degree, visit:

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